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God’s Design for Marriage

Boni Arzadon

God, our Father God, created Man in His Own Image. Male and Female He created them. He created them married so that they will procreate the Human race with Him. After Man sinned, God provided His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ as the Way, the Truth and the Life. Man needed to be reconciled and restored to God’s original purpose of creation. God calls all of mankind to be restored as His Children. Those who believe and receive Christ become members of God’s family. They are called to live as disciples of Christ – to live as Jesus lived. These disciples become the Body Church of Christ. In Eternity, the Church will become the Bride of Christ! Christ’s teaching establishes the biblical basis for Man and Woman in Marriage. Man and Woman in Marriage is God’s design to prepare God’s people to fulfill and recover God’s purpose for Man in His Image to bring forth our Heavenly Father’s Family. We are created for the praise of His Glory in Christ.

Restoring God’s Design for Family

Jovit Bumarlong

The family is a reflection of the Unity, Love and Holiness of God. God designed the family to communicate His character, to pass on to the succeeding generations the knowledge of God and to fulfil His Great Commission of making disciples of all nations. By recovering and restoring God’s design for the family, we can showcase the beauty and glory of God’s ultimate plan for man: to be His sons and daughters conformed to the image of His Son, Jesus Christ.

A Family Committed To Serving God

Gary Gabuat

This plenary message will dwell on the challenge of Joshua to all the Israelites after conquering the promised land… “but as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” (Josh. 24:15b) The truth of this challenge to the nation of Israel applies to all of us as Children of God – fathers, mothers, children, the entire household or families. We are called to build a household that is fully in step with God’s design for a true Christian family!


Godly Husband-Wife Relationship: Cultivating a Kingdom Marriage

Man and woman is created in the image of God. In the bond marriage they reflect the image of God as husband and wife. God’s assignment for the couple is to impart a sense of destiny, a spiritual mission, to their children, to make their home a place for the children to learn what it means to love and obey God.

The Role of Husbands & Wives in Marriage

When God instituted marriage in the Garden of Eden as the first man-man covenant (Gen 2:24), He intended to be a covenant partner in each marriage. However, entering into a marriage covenant means death to independent living. Instead, husband and wife complement the strengths and weaknesses of each other making them complete which enables them to best serve Him.

The Role of Children

The family was the first and most fundamental of all human institutions on earth which God ordained to accomplish His purpose for humanity. It is for this reason God has laid down several instructions to children that they should follow to establish a healthy and functional family on earth that He can use to bless others and reach out to more people in Christ. Children must live by faith and by the power of the Holy Spirit to truly and effectively perform their God-given roles and responsibilities in their families with joy and satisfaction.

Single & Devoted

The Bible gives a beautiful picture of how singles should live– free from concern about the affairs of this world. This freedom is intended to please God in both body and spirit by living in undivided devotion to Him. However, there are a lot of things in this world that take away a person’s time, attention, and focus: the desire to be rich and succeed in his chosen career. Moreover, the world promotes that during this stage of being single, a person can enjoy life to the fullest by being in a romantic relationship, getting married and having a family without considering God’s will. Unless our perspective is changed and we have an attitude like Christ’s, we will not be able to live the life that God has intended for us.

You and Your Household: Winning Your Family to Christ

“Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved—you and your household.” God’s amazing grace and salvation is not just for individuals but also extends to families. When God spared Noah from the flood, He also spared his own household. When Cornelius received the wonderful message of salvation, his relatives including his close friends were there together with him. In this topic, let us learn how to be faithful to Christ personally and at the same time bring our entire family to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.


Family Healing and Restoration

Families, husbands and wives, parents and children are in constant attack by the Enemy employing techniques meant to destroy trust, faith, hope and love by spousing doubts, highlighting weaknesses and incompatibilities, dwelling on bitterness and rebellion among family members, Some are heavily scarred with painful experiences and memories that rob them of the joy of salvation and opportunity to grow in the Word. In Christ, however, all types of brokenness can be healed, trust and faith rebuilt and love brought back to again to life through the process of confession, repentance, and deliverance from the grip of Satan’s false and deceptive accusations and lies.

Building Up Christ-Centered Families

A Christ-centered home is a place where family members live in the very presence of the Lord Jesus Christ. In the home they speak and act and relate to one another consistent with the example of Christ with His deepest involvement in their lives (Lordship). There are some common characteristics of these home that we can find in every genuinely Christ-centered families.

Family Devotions & Family Time

God instituted the family as a venue for nourishing, training, and raising children in the love and care of the Lord accomplished through faithful teaching of the Word and counsel based from Biblical standard. Family Time and Family Devotion are input sessions and opportunities fundamental to this journey as a family spends time in prayer and in the Word of God helping each family member grow in their identity, character, security, trust, transparency and love. May each family fulfill its purpose and calling of establishing Christ-centered and Christ-loving families.

Raising Up Godly Boys

Biblical manhood, including the role of fathers now a days, is being severely under attack. Our culture is trying to redefine manhood and fatherhood and our men and boys are in the midst of a huge identity crisis. Many boys don’t know who they are or what it is to be a man, so it’s crucial that fathers are intentional about helping them establish their God-given identities and roles (Australian Christian College)

Raising Up Godly Girls

We live in a perverse and crooked generation where ungodliness of all sorts predominate. Our children have grown in this environment and culture affecting their value systems including how they feel and respond. Their entanglement with such culture can be hostile to God’s standard of holiness, which may lead to moral degradation. As Christian parents we can protect and safeguard our children by instilling godly principles so that they can be spared from the perils of ungodly lifestyles.

Children’s Discipleship Tools

Learn how to disciple kids effectively using the powerful tools for evangelism and discipleship that is available to anyone, anywhere and anytime. The only requirements are love and faith in God, compassion and love for the kids and willingness to partner with God in transforming the lives of the kids.

Every Teenager’s Battle: Anxiety, Busyness, Confusion and Meaninglessness

Anxious, busy, confused and meaningless. Typical teenagers easily identify and describe their lives, even themselves using these words. What if there’s a way to deliberately and successfully handle anxiety, busyness, confusion and meaninglessness, even at a young age? In this topic, we present four fundamental spiritual disciplines that will equip every teenager from being a “typical” into becoming a strong and victorious young man and young woman.

Parenting The Teens

The life of teenagers is filled with so much challenges not to mention the pubertal transformation that happens in their bodies. This change does not only affect them physically but practically all aspects of their lives. Thus, there is a need to educate and train them to be firm, faithful and fruitful disciplers, members of the family and members of the society. Parents should also exemplify a lifestyle that is biblically sound to encourage young people to give their lives fully to the Lord

PK always OK?

Church kids are often the people who are well recognized, known in the church, but little is known about their struggles and their needs. This session aims to help church kids find their security and identity in the Lord and not in the shadow of their parents and the expectations of the people around them, to guide church kids understand their need to develop their own faith and convictions resulting to preserving godly generations

Parenting Children of Church Leaders

Raising up godly children is not an easy task. It is the desire of every parent-leader for their children to follow their footsteps and have the same or even greater level of commitment to disciple-making just as they have. But most often, actual situations fall short of the expectations. This forum is a time of sharing each leader’s own experiences in raising up their children, their struggles and challenges and their best practices that turned well for their children.

Leading Grandchildren to Godly Lives

A faith story from grandparents is undoubtedly an effective tool in developing a godly generation. Christ-centered home that demonstrates faithfulness of God and for God creates eternal perspective among children and eventually, among grandchildren. The evidence of this process through the enabling power of the Holy Spirit makes each member of the family especially the grandchildren aware and be committed to the divine calling of God. Thus, grandparents ought to be a model of a fully surrendered and steadfast love for God.

Handling Challenges in the Family

The topic addresses the troubles/issues affecting the family, like addiction to drugs and computer games, gambling, vices, rebellion, and unwanted pregnancies, by applying the principles of the Word of God and restoring God’s original design for the family for His glory.

You Took My Heart, Can I Take Your Hand

Work of ministry becomes a lot easier and enjoyable if a husband joins the wife in establishing it. Ecclesiastes 4:9 says, ” Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work.” Let us discover how God works to see to it that this partnership is pursued!

Christ: The Restorer of our Broken Image

The identity or image of a person determines his or her perspective, belief, and core values in life. God created us in His own image yet through various untoward life’s situations during our growing-up years, His intention for us to be whole was broken leading to a personal confusion of who we are in our gender and identity. But by God’s grace and mercy, the redeeming work of Christ at the Cross provides the hope for restoration to the original plan of the Father God while He was knitting us in our mother’s womb.

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